The Holy Trinity Catholic Parish - Point Cook, comprises three schools within the Parish boundary. The Parish is in a major growth corridor in the Western suburbs of Melbourne and each school has a catchment/containment area (zone).
The three schools which make up the Holy Trinity Parish in Point Cook are:
Online applications are not accepted for Queen of Peace or St Martin De Porres. Please contact those schools separately.
Applications will be considered in the following priority order:
- Baptised Catholic children resident in the designated zone/catchment area of the Laverton Parish
- Brothers and sisters of currently enrolled students in the school.
- Baptised children from Christian religions which share a special relationship with the history and traditions of the Catholic Church.
- Non-Catholic children.
Prior to filling out the application form online please read the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment
Enrolment Process
1. Application
To apply for a position at St Mary of the Cross fill out the below online form.
Enrolments for Prep 2025 are NOW OPEN.
Please read the following information.
Parents/Carers should complete the online application with all the required documentation. There is a $50 non-refundable application fee for all Prep applications.
2. Interview
Families may be invited to an enrolment interview with the Principal or Deputy Principals.
3. Offer
The offer of a place at any of the Parish Schools will be forwarded to the successful applicant
Families of all other year levels will be notified shortly after the interview if a place is available.
All places are offered at the Principal’s discretion.
4. Acceptance
Families must return the Enrolment Acceptance documentation to the School along with $100 enrolment acceptance fee.
5. Transition
Transition takes place differently at each of the Parish schools. Information will be distributed by the schools.